Doing the Do

Doing the Do

Ever had a GREAT idea, but forgot all about it? Maybe you’ve had a ton of amazing ideas and dreams in your head but can’t seem to get going on any one particular thing. Maybe you’ve actually gotten started but have found yourself at a standstill. Nothing is worse than having a great idea for your career, your blog, or even your decorating project, but then losing your focus and motivation! We’ve all been there, haven’t we?Here at The Bestie Chronicles headquarters, we’ve determined that it is time out for procrastination. It’s time to start “Doing the Do!”

We’ve come up with five easy steps that will help you do less talking and more DOING:

1) Write it down!
So here at The BC, we are constantly coming up with new ideas and fun things we want to try EVERYDAY!! This is great, but the only problem is that on the “Completion Scale” of 1 -10 we are sitting at a raggedy 3! We’ve come to realize that the best way to get started is to simply write it down! Jot down what you’re thinking even if it’s just a few words. Don’t let those good ideas go to waste! You can always go back and…

2) Organize your ideas!
Now this is a tricky one. Organization means different things to different people. Some people prefer to create to-do lists, while others prefer “was that due today?” lists. Whatever your preference, take your list of ideas and prioritize what should be done and when it should be done. This will help you to stay on track, and ease your chaotic mind! Projects won’t complete themselves, so start organizing.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao-tzu

3) Research resources and knowledge needed to succeed.
This isn’t always fun, but you must do your homework, friend. Babies crawl before they walk, and you’ll have to gain the knowledge needed to succeed at your venture. Research your project. Become familiar with the pros and cons, as well as the potential obstacles that may come along with what you’re doing. Take the time to determine expenses tied to your project and the time commitment it may require. We know, we know…there goes your social life! But don’t think of it that way. Didn’t your mom tell you nothing comes easy? No? Just our moms? Well, you get the point. Just don’t sell yourself short. Whatever it is you want to do be the best at it, and equip yourself with the tools to succeed.

4) Get feedback and find inspiration.
Once your amazing idea or project has taken shape, consider getting some feedback from friends or those who have experience in your area of interest. Be sure to ask for honest feedback, nothing like having good old constructive criticism. The internet is also a perfect place to go to find inspiration and information. We love CYBERSTALKING (insert evil laugh) on Instagram and Pinterest to see what kinds of things other people are doing and to get fun tips and ideas for our own projects.

5) Just do it!
Sounds cliché, right? But seriously, you can spend so much time trying to make everything perfect, but sometimes you just have to jump! Start your business, publish that book, create that product you’ve been dreaming of, write that screenplay, start selling sea shells by the seashore! Whatever it is, just do it! You’ll be amazed at all you will learn about yourself and be proud that you’ve finally followed through on something!

Best friends – What have you been talking about but have not found the motivation to DO?

Leave a comment and let us know if these tips were helpful. We’d love to hear any tips you may have as well!

2 thoughts on “Doing the Do

  1. Ladies!!!!! I LOVE THIS!! I am so proud of you both! Continue to Do the Do! A lot of times procrastination can be fueled by fear! The worst thing anyone can say is “NO” and so what if they do! One “YES” is worth more than a million “NO’s”. Thanks for inspiring me 🙂 I needed this today! Love you guys! ❤️


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